14/03/2019 Research Infrastructure Center for Analytical Laboratories at the Euro-Lab workshop

On 14/03/2019 coordinators of the Research Infrastructure Research Center of Laboratories - CIBAL took part in EuroLab 2019, which took place in the exhibition halls of the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw.

Jest to najważniejsze tego typu wydarzenie w roku dla specjalistów branży laboratoryjnej. Na stoisku promującym Polską Akademię Nauk, uczestnicy targów mogli zapoznać się z najnowszą aparaturą Laboratorium Paleomagnetyzmu i Magnetyzmu Środowiskowego, którego doposażenie zostało sfinansowane z projektu EPOS-PL.

Dr Tomasz Werner and dr Grzegorz Karasiński presented the possibilities of measuring the magnetic properties of various materials using the Kappabridge (Bartington).


Opening of the GeoElMag laboratory

The modern Research Infrastructure Center for Geomagnetic and Magnetotelluric Observations was opened on Thursday, June 13, at the Central Geophysical Observatory in Belsk.

The concept of GIS-3D data visualization

The concept of GIS-3D data visualization was the subject of a working meeting, which took place at the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation of the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław.

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