The meeting for coordinators interested in Multidisciplinary Upper Silesian Episode - MUSE was organized at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw on 19th February, 2019.
The participants of the meeting discussed about the integration of the GIG Local Geophysical Data Centre (LCDG GZW) and transfer of data from the MUSE measurement infrastructure to the computer platform in order to integrate and share the seismic, geophysical and GNSS data.

Dr inż. Andrzej Araszkiewicz (WAT) presented the concept and idea of the GNSS Data Base Portal provided tha data by a network of 480 stations, which are integrated on the platform
MSc. Adam Barański, the chief specialist of the Natural Hazard Group of the Polish Mining Group, presented the model of shaking on the exploited parts of the "Centralna" and "Borowa" mines of KWK Ruda Śląska Bielszowice.

The modern Research Infrastructure Center for Geomagnetic and Magnetotelluric Observations was opened on Thursday, June 13, at the Central Geophysical Observatory in Belsk.
Project coordinators of the EPOS-PL project discussed the extension of the project consortium with new partners. The meeting took place in the Department of Seismology of the Institute of Geophysics
Meeting of coordinators and participants of tasks taking part in the integration of research infrastructure at MUSE - Industrial Center of Culture in Rybnik.
The idea of the project "EPOS PL - Polish national contribution towards EPOS infrastructure" presented at the international conference the General Assembly 2019 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)
The concept of GIS-3D data visualization was the subject of a working meeting, which took place at the Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation of the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław.
The coordinators of the Analytical Laboratories Research Infrastructure Center - CIBAL precipitated in EuroLab 2019 taking place in the exhibition halls of the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw.