The Central Mining Institute

The Central Mining Institute is a scientific institution supervised by the Minister of Energy.

GIG’s mission is the conduction of scientific research, as well as implementation and service activities to form beneficial human - industry - environment relations. Human subjectivity is considered a priority for these activities.

The basic areas of the Institute's activities are: mining and geoengineering, industrial safety, environmental engineering, sustainable energy technologies, issues related to quality, education and training.

GIG’s strategic objective is to attain a permanent position as a research institution in the European Research Area within the scope of geoengineering – the science concerned with phenomena and processes connected with the Earth.

The Central Mining Institute is primarily involved in the realisation of task no. 9 - “MUSE - Multidisciplinary Upper Silesian Episode”. GIG is responsible for the realisation of this task and will build an infrastructure of gravimetric, hydrogeological, seismic, geotechnical and geodesic observations and measurements together with consortium members.


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